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A cool trick for checking for the alt attribute

A little while ago I came across this tweet:

I love that idea so much, and had to write up on it.

Let's break down exactly how this is working before we dive into a bit more info on why you might even want to bother with this.

Breaking down the selector - :not()

So that selector is first, selecting all images, but then we have :not() added on. Not let’s us select all of something, but not what is inside the (). This can be really handy for a lot of things. I’ve found this to be useful in the past:

* {
  margin: 0;

p:not(:last-child) {
  margin: 0 0 1em 0;

It depends on the circumstances, but if you have a lot of text inside something like a card, this can be handy in ensuring that the paragraphs aren’t causing extra spacing at the bottom of them, for example.

Back to the selector

img:not([alt]) {
  filter: grayscale(100%);

So in this case, we’re selecting everything that doesn’t have an alt attribute on it, letting us style our images with the missing alt, and only those ones.

The filter

With all our images with the missing alt selected, we’re then using filter: grayscale(100%), which is a fun property on it’s own, to turn this these into grayscale images. Super cool. The filter property can do a lot more than make your images grayscale, doing things like blurring images, changing the hues, and adding contrast.

Here is a working example with the grayscale at work:

See the Pen QVVgZp by Kevin (@kevinpowell) on CodePen.

If you’d like a more aggressive approach, I’ve seen others add something like border: 3px solid magenta to really make it obvious. You'd only be using this while debugging a site and not on something that's live, so even something aggressive like this would be fine.

Do you really need alt attributes?

I’m far from an accessibility expert (if you are, I’d love if you could contact me!), but everything should have an [alt]( attribute on it, even if it’s blank. As Dave explains it in that article:

Omitting the alt attribute makes most screen readers read out the entire image URL and providing an alt attribute when the image is for visual purposes only is just as useless.

I always knew that it was better to have an empty atl rather than no alt at all, but I never knew why. It was just one of those things I heard a long time ago and did. Luckily, in this case, it was good advice, because way too often we do this with bad advice as well.

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