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Initial, Unset and Revert

CSS is an interesting language. It’s fun to see how different solutions arrive to deal with certain situations, and how those solutions sometimes evolve — something like grip-gap evolving into gap and making it’s way into flexbox, for example.

One interesting set of values has always been initial and the much lesser known unset. Both of these don’t exactly work how you think they would though, often giving you unexpected results. It would seem that revert is here to help with that.

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at all three, exploring their similarities and differences, and we'll wrap it up with when revert might come in handy.

What initial actually does

Before reading on, can you think of what the following code would result in?

p {
  display: initial;

Many, including myself, assume that it would result in display: block as that’s the browser default for paragraphs.

Oh, but we would all be wrong.

When we set initial on a property, it doesn’t look at the element, it looks at the property itself. Did you know that properties have a default? I didn’t until I read more about it on the MDN, though it does make sense.

I always assumed it would go back to the default though, and it’s a little strange, in my mind at least, that this isn’t how it works.

Unexpected results with initial

The problem that initial is that it can do some really unexpected things. First, it might make something inline when you were expecting block, which is strange enough. In that same vein, it will never set anything to inherit, because once again it isn’t looking at the element, that you are styling but the property itself.

It simply resets the whole lot of everything, mostly to values that you don’t think it will. Which is surprising because I’ve been using initial for a long time and never realized it wasn’t working how I thought it was….

See the Pen using initial by Kevin (@kevinpowell) on CodePen.

Unset is a less extreme version of initial

Unset is the little brother of initial, both in that it isn’t quite as much of a scorched-earth approach, and also because nobody knows about it.

unset actually works just like initial does with one very important difference: It will first check to see if the default is inherit property is inherited (a thank you to @hrvbrs for pointing out that no property defaults to inherit. If it did, then it would work that way with initial!).

If it is an inherited property, it’ll set inherit, but if the property is not inherited, it will then act just like initial does and set things to the property default.

In this example below, I've used the exact same setup as the above, but set both the display and the color to unset.

As you can see, the display still turns them inline, because this isn't something which is inherited by default. The color on the other hand is still being inherited from the body.

See the Pen using unset by Kevin (@kevinpowell) on CodePen.

Enter revert

This is a value that’s still a working draft, but somehow Safari has supported it since 2016 without any other browser bothering to… that is, except for Firefox which just recently shipped it!

revert acts like you’d expect initial to work. It goes back to the user agent style!

(side note: what’s the deal with Safari supporting a few really cool properties that no one else does, but then seems to lag behind on others? I think it’s good that we have browser diversity, and it’s good that they decide to go in different directions at times as it leads to them pushing each other to add more functionality, but Safari really seems to be out in left field sometimes)

Use cases for revert

Without proper browser support, we can’t really start to use revert yet, but I do see it being useful in a couple of different situations.

The first is when you come into a site that is already been created and you need to add something on top of it. Maybe you need a heading somewhere that looks completely different than what the site already has. This was never part of the original plan, so the styling is on the heading itself and not a class, say something like:

h3 {
  color: #454545;
  font-weight: 300;
  font-size: 2.275rem;
  border-bottom: 1px solid currentColor;
  padding-bottom: 0.25em;
  margin: 1.5em 0 2em;

If you wanted to have an h3 that looks completely different, for say, a call to action, you’d have to overwrite everything!

But with revert we could do the following:

.cta-title {
  all: revert;
  font-size: 3rem;
  margin: 0;
  color: #f4f4f4;

Yes, we’re still declaring things like font-size and color, which we’d have to do either way, but with this we don’t have to worry about the padding or border or font-weight.

This could also prove useful if you’re forced to work with a framework such as Bootstrap which has some default styling that you just don’t feel like dealing with.

When can we start using revert?

I don’t think it’s really something we can use until it hits Chrome (which will mean it’ll land in Edge too). It's not like scroll-behavior: smooth or position: sticky which won't change the styling of something, they just help increase the UX a little.

As it stands now, the feature request doesn’t tell us much except that they don’t seem to be worrying about it yet. Hopefully it’ll come along pretty quickly though, because while it isn’t something you’d use every day, I think it could prove to be really useful from time to time.

And before I finish off, I'd like to thank Facundo for letting me know about this going live in Firefox. We'd had a discussion a little while back about how initial wasn't what either of us had thought it was, and he'd found revert back then, when only Safari was supporting it, and was kind enough to let me know when he saw this hit Firefox. Thanks Facundo!